Here is the sign up sheet for the GFWC Fall workshop at St. John’s University.


WHAT: GFWC MN Workshop
WHEN: Saturday, July 20, 2024
WHERE: St. John’s University/Abbey Quadrangle Building, Centenary Room 264. Take the elevator to 2 nd
floor. Bldg to right of the Abbey Church, parking lot to left of Abbey church)
Tentative Agenda
8:30 Chat, catch up, continental breakfast. Set up display tables.
9:00 –9:30 AM Board Meeting
9:30-11:00 AM Report International Convention in Chicago by Diane Hannah, GFWC MN President
Followed by 2-minute Introduction and reports from new officers and chairpersons.
11:00-12:00 LEADS Workshop Team Building” Compass Quiz”
12:00 Lunch
12:30-1:00 PM Speaker PATTY WETTERLING, author of “DEAR JACOB: A Mother’s Journey of Hope”
1:00-3:00 LEADS Team Building Workshop continues.