The West Central District is made up of the following counties:
- Benton
- Big Stone
- Chippewa
- Douglas
- Grant
- Kandiyohi
- Kanabec
- Lac Qui Parle
- Mille Lacs
- Meeker
- Morrison
- Traverse
- Stearns
- Pope
- Renville
- Stevens
- Swift
- Traverse
- Yellow Medicine
West Central District President
President: Bonnie Nelson West Central District Club Presidents GFWC Belgrade Readers Club GFWC Gradatim Club Co-President: Kim Olson Madison Study Club 1920-1921 |
GFWC Starbuck 1920-1921 Laq qui Parle Valley Study Club GFWC Potpourri Glenwood Elbow Lake GFWC 1904-1904