2020 Virtual MN State Convention

Jean Walker Virtually Calling GFWC MN 2020 Convention to order 

Jackie Barkley and Shirley Deno 
participating from Blackduck

GFWC MN 2020 Virtual Convention MN Virtual Convention 2020

It was history in the making…a world pandemic taking place…COVID-19, social distancing, wearing of masks in public places and home bound.

In these unusual times the usual took place via zoom conducted by Yvonne Schilplin, GFWC MN Leadership Chairman and Lilah Crowe, GFWC MN Convention Chairman. Jean Walker called the FIRST Virtual Convention 2020 meeting to order with 50 registered members of which 48 where able to connect. The GFWC Grand Rapids North Star Women’s Club members led the Pledge of Allegiance. The president’s report was given. The minutes were approved that had been shared via email by GFWC MN Secretary Diane Mangseth; Pam Mithum, GFWC MN Treasurer, presented the proposed budget which was approved.

GFWC MN Vice-President Jennell Jorgensen-Johnson presented the membership award. Linda Blue, GFWC MN 1st Vice-President and Dean of Departments gave an outstanding power point presentation of the department statistical reports and awards. President Jean announced that GFWC MN won several International Awards that were presented at the GFWC International Convention also held virtually.

GFWC Bloomington received the Shot@Life award in their category; Outstanding Achievement in Public Issues (Linda Blue, GFWC MN Public Issues Chairman) was awarded to GFWC MN; GFWC Zehlians of Thief River Falls received Honorable Mention in the Arts; and Jean Walker was one of the recipients of the Charlotte Emerson Award for exemplary service and leadership. An update on fundraising was given by Diane Hanna, GFWC MN 2nd Vice President and fundraising chairman.

A memorable “You are Angels” themed Installation service was given by GFWC MN Past President Jan Latola. Jan installed the (ANGELS) officers: Jennell Jorgensen-Johnson, GFWC MN President; Linda Blue, GFWC MN Vice President: Diane Hanna, GFWC MN 2nd Vice President; Deann Fiecke, GFWC MN Secretary; and Sam Johnson-Purdie, GFWC MN Treasurer.

The Club Collect and Juniorette Pledge were recited. All members were then asked to share ONE word describing the last six months of COVID…..the list was heartfelt and overwhelmingly filled with gratitude…from organizing, cleaning, golfing, and reading to grateful, thankful, blessed, and healthy.

Attendees to the MN GFWC Virtual Convention